Saturday, September 6, 2014

First Day Photos

I'm not ready for school to start. I could have used another month of summer vacation. Alas, its here.

Fifth grade

Second grader

I asked them to let me take a shot together and this is the pose they struck

Friday, September 5, 2014

Plumbers Assistants

A faucet needed replacing this weekend. Uncle Chris was on the job. He had to two assistants.

I don't know about you but nothing helps me change a faucet more than being sat on and having a flashlight shone in my eyes.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Last week Grant got a cold, which means he got croup because he always gets croup when he gets a cold. What does that have to do with his black eye?

I was up all night with him and when I was carrying him down the stairs at 6 am I fell down. His head was over my shoulder and his eye hit first. 
