Saturday, December 19, 2009


I'm purpretrating a lie! Santa Claus! Yup. I struggle with Santa. Not because I don't like the kids thinking they get tons of presents from someone they've never seen, but because I feel like a big liar making them think that.

I purposely deceive my children each and every year. I didn't expect to have a problem with it but now that Madilyn really believes in Santa I feel even more guilty. Is she going to be the kid that gets made fun of in school because she's 9 and still believes in Santa? Will she be disappointed when she finds out that we've been deceiving her?

Am I nuts? We do it. We get them excited for Santa and enjoy the pure elation every Christmas morning. But somehow it still feels wrong. Does anyone else struggle with this?

If not, I'll get off my moral high horse and continue the lie of all lies.


  1. Let me just say this: If you are kind of a noisy Santa that falls asleep before gifts are placed under the tree, and you have to tell your children to go back to bed for awhile so Santa can come, your kids figure it out for themselves. I apologize for being a scatter-brained Santa, as well as a poor tooth fairy. But as an Easter Bunny I did pretty well. Love you, my little Elf mom

  2. YES! YES! I do this too! Esp this year because Sydney believes so much! I feel bad because, like you, is she going to be disappointed when she finds out the truth? I remember I kind of was...although it wasn't broken to me in the best of circumstances. I was in 1st grade. Krystal in second. She had just found out "the news." Walking up our lane after school she blurted it out. I cried all the way home. But I think the spirit of santa lives on even after you "know" the truth. I mean, at the end of the day there are still cool new gifts, right? :-)

    I had to laugh at your mom's toothfairy comment. Syd lost her first tooth this past year. We totally forgot to put money under her pillow until she came out the next morning devestated. And we don't have any excuse...we get up usually twice a night to check her sugars. Shame on us. ;)

  3. I must confess that I use Santa when parenting just doesn't seem to be working...i.e. "what will Santa think if he comes to our house and trips over all your toys?" and "Santa likes it when little boys go to bed without being told twice". My real fear is that when Chase does find out, he'll run around like a mad man!

    But it all seriousness, I think magic is something I miss the most about Christmas, and the longer kids get to enjoy it, the better! So, lie away! :-)
