Tuesday, January 4, 2011

List - Guilty Pleasures

  • fruit snacks - I can't buy them for my children because I eat them all...in a day.
  • any show with 'star' in the title - Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, etc.
  • Betty Neels romance novels - a little known harlequin author who happened to write 130 books that are almost all the same and yet I can't stop reading them
  • pencil sharpeners - I don' know why either.
  • blank books - Can you have too many? I think not.
  • video games - Its like the fruit snacks, I don't have many games because I can't have many games.
  • thrift stores
  • fabric - There I admitted it. Even before I started sewing I always wanted to buy it for something.
  • library - How can you not love the library? Everythings free!

There you go. I can't help myself.


  1. This is a lovely confession list! I know how you feel about blank books {with lines, without lines. So many options!}, but I would have to add paper, pens, pencils, and crayons. What is it about a new box of crayons that I cannot resist? Or office supplies in general? I love them! And you know how I feel about fabric, not to mention patterns. I am so glad to go with you ANY time you go to the fabric store, and it is not just to look at fabric! So glad we both like!

  2. I love that you are still just as weird as the Stacey that I knew and loved so many years ago. You are definitely on my "love it" list. :-)

  3. Dark chocolate, which I hide in the vegetable bin so Lynn doesn't find it.
