Jeremy made that jewelry box for her. MADE it. Please be impressed because I am. |
Madilyn is a fantastic reader. Right now she's making her way through everything Rick Riordan has written. She enjoys science. Her science fair project was chosen to be 1 of 15 to represent her school at the district science fair this year.
I took Madilyn and 3 of her friends to a movie in lieu of a birthday party. The last time I did that was for her 6th birthday when she was in Kindergarten. The conversation between the friends has changed dramatically. In kindergarten she invited 2 boys and 1 girl and they laughed over nonsense jokes they each made up. Now at 9, there are definitely no boys. I listened with a smile as the four of them relived the drama of their school day and tried to make sense of the boys that sag their pants. (Good luck girls. I haven't figured out the appeal either.)
Madilyn has a biting sarcastic wit that often catches me off guard. I have to laugh and remember she's only 8... no 9! I love the independence she has gained this year but she still wants to be with me and do stuff together. I know that won't last much longer and hope that I can remember to enjoy and cherish it.
Love you Madilyn.
Hard to see these babies growing up, seems like it should be that long ago that we were turning 9! :)