Sunday, May 20, 2012

Baptism and Blessing

We had a very special weekend a couple of weeks ago. (I'm a little behind on the blog.) First, Madilyn was baptized. She reached the age of accountability and made the decision to be baptized to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was a spiritual high for our family. We were blessed to share it with lots of family and friends. Madilyn was excited and nervous but all went as planned. We're pleased that she made the decision.

The next day Grant was blessed during sacrament meeting. We had two special kids dressed in white that Sunday (although Grant's came off right afterward).

It was a busy, crazy weekend. 
Here they all are right before the chaos of getting out the door for church begins.

On a side note, I really need to find a better place to take pictures. At least the living room was clean, right?


  1. What a beautiful family! I imagine that was special time for your family. I'm glad to have found your blog. =)
