Thursday, May 31, 2012

Not What They Appear

I'll admit it. I like blogs. I like reading them and stalking distant friends on them and getting great ideas from them.'s the other thing I'll admit, sometimes they make me feel terrible. I take horrible pictures of my cute kids, I hate cooking, I hate cooking even more with my kids, most of our family outings end in disaster, crafts? what are those?

Today I had two friends put up posts on their blogs that were real. Not that the other posts aren't real, but one nearly had me tears as I read about the heartache of a dear friend I haven't seen in about 8 years. The other was true confessions of a mom.

I guess my point, if there really is a point to this post, is we're all struggling. Some of us are struggling with big enormous things. And some, like Jer in the picture, are struggling to get the fire going so why not blow on it with a shop vac? (He'll hate that I put a picture of him on my blog, but he doesn't read it so he won't know.) I'm going to assume that all those women with perfect pictures of their kids with their perfect outfits and beautiful meals on their blogs are really fixing mac and cheese in holy sweats while screaming at their kids 75% of the time. Even if they aren't I bet its happened at least once.


  1. oh i love you! and this post. and this picture!!!! and i am so glad to know we are all just normal mom's surviving one day at a time!

  2. I guess "holy" sweats must be a Morman thing. I only have holEy ones. :) In which I also face my daily struggles. None involving fire recently though, thankfully. And Parsons, your posts about real life are way more intersting than perfect holidy BBQ photos. Keep 'em coming! Love you.

    1. hahahaha. Not a mormon thing. Holey Wholey? Ya, the brain went out the door after the first kid. Four kids later, nothing left.
