Sunday, April 14, 2013

One year older and wiser too!

 My baby turned 9. I used to be excited for her to get a little older but I find with Madilyn each year it makes me a little sad. Each birthday brings me another day closer to when she'll be leaving home. (Its like 10 years away but I know, I KNOW, it will go fast).
Jeremy made that jewelry box for her. MADE it. Please be impressed because I am.
 I am so proud of her. She has become so responsible. I don't know what I would do without her help. Many times when I am trying to make dinner or do dishes and Grant is crying at my feet, she'll pick him up and take him in another room to play with him without my asking. She and Garrett are two peas in a pod. They like to wrestle and chase each other to the point that I want to pull my hair out but they love it. And my heart melts when I hear her and Emma giggling in their room together after lights out.
Madilyn is a fantastic reader. Right now she's making her way through everything Rick Riordan has written. She enjoys science. Her science fair project was chosen to be 1 of 15 to represent her school at the district science fair this year.

I took Madilyn and 3 of her friends to a movie in lieu of a birthday party. The last time I did that was for her 6th birthday when she was in Kindergarten. The conversation between the friends has changed dramatically. In kindergarten she invited 2 boys and 1 girl and they laughed over nonsense jokes they each made up. Now at 9, there are definitely no boys. I listened with a smile as the four of them relived the drama of their school day and tried to make sense of the boys that sag their pants. (Good luck girls. I haven't figured out the appeal either.)

Madilyn has a biting sarcastic wit that often catches me off guard. I have to laugh and remember she's only 8... no 9! I love the independence she has gained this year but she still wants to be with me and do stuff together. I know that won't last much longer and hope that I can remember to enjoy and cherish it.

Love you Madilyn.

1 comment:

  1. Hard to see these babies growing up, seems like it should be that long ago that we were turning 9! :)
