Sunday, January 29, 2012

Something Permanent

As I have admitted before, I am a sew-er. I used to be an anti-sew-er but now I follow several sewing blogs in the hope of getting inspiration. One of my favorites is Simple Simon & Co., on which a recent post made me think about why I have taken up sewing. As a stay-at-home mom, much of my time is spent doing things that are continuously started over.

Examples - dishes, laundry, cleaning. I find myself putting off mopping my floor because I know that at the next meal someone is going to spill their milk/cereal/ketchup on the floor or someone will come running in the back door and leave muddy/leafy footprints.

The post struck me because it suggested that a woman should do at least one thing each day that can't be undone.

Something permanent.

Sewing is one way that I have found to create something permanent...that is until I have to pull out the ole seam ripper. But every time one of the girls wears something I've made, I feel that I've made something that will last, hopefully, something pleasing to the eye and something useful.

I have other ways as well. I paint and I write, both of which allow me to creatively express myself in a, mostly, permanent way. On days that I sew a seam, put a stroke on paper, or write even one sentence I can look back and know for sure that I've moved forward on something. I may need to mop the floor again tomorrow but for now I made something that moves me forward to a completed project that can't be undone by anyone other than myself.

As I read the post, it was nice to know that I'm not the only one who'd like a few of my little marks on the world to be ones that can't be ruined by spilt milk.

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