Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Sad Day

The day I always knew would come, at last has come at last. (I hope someone knows where that quote is from. Karli if you don't I'm sorely disappointed in you because I think you were in the show too.) darling little Emma is growing up. Not only did she turn three two months ago, she is potty trained, and now (sniff, sniff) she pronounced an 'l' for the very first time. Her 'r's have slowly been coming along. I didn't cry the first time she said 'store' instead of 'stoy' or 'more' instead of 'moy', but when we she said, "Look mom I'm all cuddly", not 'cuddwy', I almost lost it.

I don't want her to talk like Elmer Fudd up into kindergarten. Its more the outward expression of her growing upness that I find myself struggling against. Now that she's three she's entered the wonderful realm of arguing, opinions, and tantrums (ok so they were already there but they reach a whole new level at 3). Maybe its because with Madilyn I was always looking forward to the next great thing she would accomplish. But with Emma, I know whats coming and I'm not ready to move on, but obviously...she is.

I'll miss you my little two year old. May we always remember when we 'dwessed cuddwy to go get moy fwom the stoy."


  1. And I remember when my little 3 yo girl said to me one day, "I a'most feww on da foy". Trans: I almost fell on the floor. Love you, mom

  2. Sniff sniff. Your mom's comment is another realization that these kids grow up. I struggle with it too. Your Emma is so cute!

  3. This makes me want to cry, too! Your sweet "wittle" Emma is growing too fast! But she will always "wuv" you!
