Sunday, January 10, 2010


I don't make New Year's resolutions. I already have goals that I am working towards and I continue to make them as necessary throughout the year.

BUT I do have a few things I want to work on soooo maybe they are resolutions. I've made a list that I'm keeping up on my blog to remind myself.

I'm listing them here as well to give a brief explanation, mostly for myself, but for anyone else who may be interested.

  • Listen to my children. As a mother of three, two of which talk constantly, I have to filter out the noise or I'd go nuts. But I know that sometimes I respond to them without really listening to what they are telling me. For example, "Mom, Madilyn is taking my...." followed by "Emma won't give me my...." both of which really mean, "Mom we're bored will you help us come up with something new? or play with us?"
  • Listen with the intent of listening, not responding. How many times do we listen to someone tell a story and we can't wait for a pause so we can interject something of our own. I've thought about the people I enjoy talking to the most and most of them are people who let me tell the whole story before adding anything of their own.
  • Play with my children more often. Again, mom of three, not a lot of time for it but I can stop and play a little each day.
  • Have confidence in myself. I'm a smart, capable woman and gosh darn it people like me.
  • Have confidence in others. Oooo, a tough one. Unfortunately from experience I've come to doubt others will follow through with their commitments and responsibilities. If I want others to have confidence in themselves then I must treat them as though I do too.
  • Make others feel good about themselves. Why not? It makes you feel all bubbly inside.
  • Compliment others more often. Mmmm, this one has an attachment, they must be sincere. There is nothing more annoying than an insincere compliment.

1 comment:

  1. Love your list Stacey! It's a great one! On Christmas Day I ran into your mom at the movie theater. They were watching Avitar. We were watching Alivin and the Chipmunks...Morgan needed a potty run and I ran into your mom while she was making a consessions run. It was nice. :) I always liked your family!
