Friday, September 3, 2010

First Grade and No Looking Back

I sent off a sassy six-year-old to first grade yesterday and it left me wondering where my little girl went. Little Miss Independent didn't want me to drive her school, she didn't last year either though. She was excited, ready to go, and already loves first grade. I, however, got teary-eyed.

Oddly enough, last year I didn't cry at all. It was a relief to send her off for a few hours. But this year its all different. She really is gone ALL day. And her friends influence is becoming stronger and stronger and I keep wondering if we've prepared her to make the right choices. I keep having conversations with myself like this - "We told her cheating is wrong right? We told her that? She knows what cheating is and she'd not supposed to do it?"

I'm taking deep breaths and...thats about all I can do. Say my prayers and trust her.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I totally have 13 photos (yes, including senior year) of pictures my mother insisted on taking in the front yeard on the first day of school every year. Nice to see some things never change.
