Saturday, January 15, 2011

Start the Day Off Right

Here's how my Saturday began -

4:45 am - Jeremy gets up
5:10 am - Jeremy leaves for youth temple trip
5:30 am - Emma wakes up and wants to sleep with me
6:30 am - Garrett wake up and comes to sleep with me
7:15 am - Madilyn wakes up and wants to lay next to me - Here's how the conversation went
"I want to lay next you."
"Honey I already have kids on either side you'll have to get a blanket and lay by my feet."
"I don't want to lay by your feet I want to lay next to you."
"You can't but you can lay by my feet."
"No I want to lay next to you."
"Sooooo, what do you want me to do?"
"I want to lay next to you."
"Get a blanket."
"No." Madilyn starts doing her wind up for throwing a fit, feet start stomping, shoulders shake.
"Madilyn go to your room if you're going to throw a fit."
"I don't want to."
"I don't care if you don't want to, go!" (This was in a loud whisper mind you because the other two were asleep.)
More jigging and wanting to lay by me. Finally goes to room to start crying and screaming at the top of her lungs "Why do I have to be in here! I don't want to be here! I want to lay by you! Why can't I lay by you! I'm scared in here!" Over and over until Emma wakes up. Then Madilyn comes back into my room not whispering at all.
"Why can't I lay by you?"
"Because your brother and sister are already laying by me. Do you want me to kick one of them out?"
"Yes. I want you to kick one of them out."
"I'm not going to do that. Go back to your room."
"Why can't I lay be you!"
Emma's now awake so I get out of the bed and Madilyn runs back screaming to her room. I march in and give a not very nice lecture. Garrett's now awake and crying. Madilyn is crying and screaming. I shut her door which makes her scream louder.
7:25 am

Awwww, starting the day off right.