Sunday, June 9, 2013

Third Times a Charm

Emma got her third set of ear tubes on Friday. None of us were as worried about it as we were the first time...or the second...or the time in between those two when the holes from the first set had to be patched.

Everything went as planned. For the first time, she didn't wake up screaming and thrashing about from the anesthesia. She was smiling and talking, slightly slurred, to the nurse.

In 48 hours we have seen a dramatic change. I didn't realize how much she had truly been missing.

As it turns out the fluid in her ears had pushed her ear drums so they were flat, consequently they didn't vibrate. She had the hearing of a 70 year old.

Before the tubes she frequently played by herself while our family chaos went on around her. (Emma is a daydreamer so that's not completely unusual.) But in the last two days I have realized how much she had been missing because she simply couldn't hear what was happening around her.

Friday evening she said, "Thank you for getting me ear tubes. I like that I can hear."

So do I.

I wish we would have realized sooner. But I'm grateful we live in a time when the problem can be easily fixed. There's no permanent damage and she SHOULD outgrown the problem in a year or two.


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