Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Ummm, our apartment building started on fire tonight. Not kidding. Jeremy and Emma were at home. I had Madilyn and Garrett with me at Madilyn's dance class. We're all fine but 14 of our neighbors have lost all their possessions. However, no one was hurt.

Here's what happened. Jeremy heard some pops and saw black smoke go by the window. He looked out and saw flames from the ground floor to the top floor. He grabbed Emma and left. In the picture our apartment is the one where the fire stopped on the middle floor. Click here to read the Komo news article and more pictures.

Jer got in to the apartment this evening. Very little smoke damage, some water damage but no fire in our apartment. We are grateful for all the Lord has done for us. Even if we had lost everything, I would cry, but everything I need in this world is safe and asleep upstairs at my in-law's house.

Leave it to Emma to lighten the mood. When the fire engines started pulling up (in all 14 of them) she said, "It's Santa Claus. He's a nice man." The fire department brings Santa Claus with candy canes through the neighborhood every Christmas.


  1. woa. scary. glad you guys are ok.

  2. wow, what a scary thing to have happen! I'm so glad that you are all ok and that nothing in your apt was damaged. I feel terrible for those that lost everything!
