Friday, April 16, 2010

List of Lists

This thing posted and I didn't know it. Now I'm finishing it.

My list for the week, is a list of the lists I want to write.

  1. Reasons I love Star Trek.
  2. Reasons I love Stargate SG-1
  3. Why kids are better than having pets
  4. Why (on occasion) pets are better than having kids
  5. Driving styles
  6. Best Movies
  7. Best Authors
  8. Best Children's Books
  9. Movies I wished I'd never seen
  10. Perks of having your apartment burn down


  1. Um, you could have moved the first two down a little on the list to at least APPEAR a little less nerdy ;)

  2. Reasons I love Star Trek:
    1. James Tiberius Kirk
    2. I remember how fun it was to watch with my mom.
    3. Because it is so much fun now to watch with my daugher.
    4. Because anything is possible in sci-fi.
    5. Because I love to see the friendships between the characters.
    6. The earth seems like a better place.
    7. Spock and Data make me laugh-and remind me uncomfortably of myself.
    8. Because I once wanted to be an astronaut.
    9. Because I can remember reading my first science fiction book and dreaming I was there on Mars.
    10. Because Trekkies understand each other.
