Sunday, July 18, 2010

List - MST3K

Every family has a movie that they all laugh about but no one else really gets it. Today I dedicate my post to Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) The Movie. I have never laughed as hard as I did the first time I watched it. For those of you who haven't seen it, a guy and two puppets watch B movies (usually sci-fi) and make fun of them. Its awesome. So my list is my favorite quotes from MST3K the Movie.

  1. "Could I love him more?"
  2. "Hey some guys legs are hanging out."
  3. "Eat at Joe's. Eat at Joe's. Eat at Joe's."
  4. Neeeeeroooooooom (that's the sound of car passing by)
  5. "Noooooo!"
  6. "Why he has a giant hamburger on the wall."
  7. "Quick let's escape under the cover of afternoon in the largest car in the county."
  8. wshkwshkwshk (that's the sound of whispering)
  9. "Should we be watching this?"
  10. "Who put the can in the middle of the room?"

Here's to you MST3K.


  1. never seen the movie. but totally loved the show!!!

  2. 11. "I need this ladder."
    12. "405, 404, 403..."
    13. "Cal...Ruth"
    14. "And that would matter if your hands were made of metal."
    Love it!

  3. Yay, mom you got the ones that I missed or just couldn't fit on my list. Thanks.
