Thursday, August 12, 2010

List - Bee 2, Emma 0

My sweet little 3-year-old Emma got attacked by bees last night. Attacked may be too strong of a word but when I heard her scream not two feet from me there were 3 soon to be 4 bees on her face. I brushed them off but they came back and I could see more bees out of the corner of my eye so I grabbed her and ran, yelling at Madilyn to run and yelling at Jer to come and help me because I was sure they were going to chase us down and I had to get Garrett. So all 5 of us were running through the yard, Emma screaming and Jeremy trying to figure out what was going on.

In the end only one stung her on the side of her head but, as you can imagine, it scared me. Plus they were bumblebees which usually aren't aggressive. It may have had something to do with the jelly smeared all over her face.

But really my question is...why? What is it always Emma? Here's my list of ailments for her since birth -
  • Ear infection - lasted three months and survived 5 antibiotics
  • Ear tubes at age 6 months
  • Recurring pink eye
  • Recurring impetigo
  • Recurring digestive problems
  • Surgery to remove and patch holes in ear drum because the tubes wouldn't fall out
  • Broken leg
  • Bit by a dog
  • Bee sting
  • Bee attack

If its going to happen, its going to happen to Emma.

1 comment:

  1. it's sad but I want my kids to be stung just so I know whether or not they are allergic like there dad! Glad you escaped the attack!!
