Monday, August 9, 2010

List - Clothesline

I'm in love with my clothesline.
  1. Grandma
  2. Clothes smell great
  3. Cost less than the dryer
  4. Get through the initial washing faster
  5. Pants stay stiff for hours after you put them on (I think this is a pro)
  6. Sheets
  7. Comforters dry quickly
  8. Its an excuse to go outside for a few minutes
  9. Lots of exercise
  10. I can threaten to hang Madilyn up by her toes from it when she annoys me. (She knows I'm kidding.)

There's something about hanging laundry on the line that makes me feel connected to my grandma, like I'm participating in some time honored or tradition or other such nonsense. Maybe it gives me an insight into her life that I never had before or maybe it just makes my clothes smell like hers did, either way I love my clothesline.


  1. I love your picture, it could win some kind of award for "telling a story with a picture". It makes me think of Grandma, too.

  2. Great photo! Great Post! Yeah for clotheslines!

  3. Hmmmm. My dryer broke last week and I just happen to have a clothesline in my back yard. Maybe I should give this a try.

    And I LOVE the picture. It's definitely Christmas card worthy!
