Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Official Declaration of War

Dear Bees on our property,

I have tried to stay out of your way; let you make your honey and pollinate our plants and flowers while we go about our various outdoor activities. I must inform you all, from the lowliest worker to queen bee, that I am declaring war for the following reasons.

  1. Three members of my family have been stung
  2. One of them twice
  3. The twice stung member was already scared of her own shadow and is now terrified to leave my side when indoors or out, greatly increasing my own psychological stress.
  4. Above said member and myself have received physical harm when tripping over each other because of above said distance between ourselves at all times
  5. Two of my children will not go outside to play. at all.
  6. Buzzing sounds cause chaotic screaming
  7. Sleep patterns have been interrupted by dreams of giant bees and tennis rackets

For the above mentioned reasons I will now be killing bees on sight no matter how docile they appear for the protection of my own family. I realize that I am vastly outnumbered but frankly I do not care anymore. Die bees die.

Most regrettably,

Stacey (the crazy lady with a tennis racket)

PS - Your honey isn't even worth it.


  1. OMIGOSH. Sounds like a horror movie.

  2. Haha! I LOVE it. Not the bees . . . your letter!

    This sounds like me and my constant war with spiders. Let's just say I don't always love having a basement and wear my slippers AT ALL TIMES.

    Good luck! Let me know if you need some backup!
