Thursday, March 17, 2011

30 Posts - Post 1 a favorite song

Now I'm regretting this decision. Music is such a big part of my life I'm having a very difficult time deciding. Honestly there isn't one song that's ever been my favorite because different songs are my favorite for different things.

I'm cheating I'm listing two because well...its my blog and I'll do what I want

Child of Mine and So Glad it was You both by Carole King oddly enough.

Every time I hear these its like she says exactly my thoughts and feelings in a simple, pleasing way. Unfortunately she isn't that great of her singer. In fact her voice is slightly irritating (and off pitch occasionally) but her songs and lyrics are so good that I gladly overlook those technical problems. Its especially shocking because most of the time I'm a beat person (I firmly believe there are two types of music listeners - lyric and beat but that's a different post entirely).

1 comment:

  1. That's hard. I really don't know what song I would choose. I'm impressed that you could narrow it down to two!
