Thursday, December 8, 2011
List - Why the blog has fallen by the wayside
1. Pregnancy - Nashling #4 has thrown me for a loop. Mostly on the energy scale.
2. School - There's only one Nashling in school and I struggle to keep up, might have something to do with #1.
3. Garrett hit the terrible 2's. The girls really didn't start to be stinkers until age three but the boy is a terror on two legs. A cute one but a terror none the less.
4. Back to zero - This is how I describe my 'job'. My job is to get things back to zero. Laundry, dishes, cleaning have all seemed to take up all the energy that I have, that and reason #3. And frankly I'm not doing a very good job anymore.
5. Pregnancy
6. I fall asleep on the couch every night by 8:45. If I make it to 9:30 Jeremy is shocked...and so am I.
7. Insomnia, pretty sure brought on by reasons #1 and5.
8. Memory loss - yes I know laugh. But its true my already sketchy memory has pretty much turned to a complete lack of knowledge of anything beyond this day, this hour. (See reasons #1 and 5)
9. Pregnancy
10. Pregnancy
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Maris Farms
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Is This Really Happening?
I had another such moment this morning when Madilyn spent 20 minutes in the bathroom and another 15 getting dressed only to come out in a short skirt with shorts underneath. At this point she's got 10 minutes before the bus comes. Its 50 degrees outside and I told her to go put on leggings. Well let's just say that's not what happened and in the end I was literally chasing my screaming 7 year old through the house with a pair of leggings making threats about what will happen to her if she misses the bus and I had to stop and ask myself...'Is this really happening?'
Yes, its.
Its moments like this morning that I have to remember the others. The ones like laying under the apple tree with my children eating apples and blackberries finding shapes in the clouds, doing a musical with my daughter, singing around the piano with three little mostly in tune voices, and listening to Madilyn read the scriptures on her own for the first time.
And I have to ask myself - Do I get to be mom to three crazy, wonderful kids? Do I get to spend eternity with my best friend? Do I get smothered in the snuggles of 3 pairs of twiggy arms?
Is this really happening?
Yes, it is.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Emma!
My little Emmabug turned 5 a couple of weeks ago. She wanted a ladybug cake which I thought was interesting since she's terrified of bugs, unless its a spider on the ceiling at which point she claims its her friend Spidey and I'm not allowed to kill it.
Can I just say this was the hardest birthday shopping I've EVER had? What do you get for a child that is happy with what she has except for a scooter that she's been asking for since Madilyn got one for her birthday. I was online looking for ideas for so long that my carpal tunnel syndrome from college came back!
In honor of her birthday I thought I would share some Emma facts:
- she has 3 body books and one body coloring book
- she loves them
- she knows where the cerebellum is
- and the brain stem
- and stomach
- and liver
- and loves the parts of the inner ear
- she keeps asking me what the adrenal glad does and I have no idea
- she is incredibly sensitive - emotionally (think crying over which breakfast cereal to eat in the morning) and physically (sound, light, smells)
- loving - I get more hugs from her than anyone else
- cuddly - she would be happy being in physical contact with me at all times
- smart - she started sounding out words at 3 and now she does a 1st grade reading and writing book (she starts kindergarten next year)
- she has the most quotes on Notable Quotables from Nashville
Emma is a special girl. We are so blessed to have her in our family.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
First Day
Goodbye Summer
Friday, August 26, 2011
It's Show Time
This is the only picture I have that you can really see Madilyn. She's the one farthest to the left. The guy in the front is Timon from Lion King, not the real one.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I Tri'd...again
Friday, August 19, 2011
A Belated Birthday
He gives great big hugs as he says, "I wuv you mama." Followed by a great big open mouthed kisses that I dodge so they'll land on a cheek.
I can't really capture all the funny wonderful things about him in this post. He just does funny things. Just a couple of examples - recently we stayed with my parents for a few days. Garrett's porta crib was set up in the walk-in closet in the room Jeremy and I stayed in. Everyday when we laid him down he would say, "This my room. This my bed." And we would agree. The last day that we were there Jeremy went to get him up from a nap. When he leaned over the crib and looked at Garrett, Garrett said, "Hey, this is a closet!" I think he was offended.
Same trip, my mom found Garrett on her bed laying with their dog. Now my parents room was supposed to be a sanctuary for the animals from the children who loved them a little too much. So my mom said, "Garrett get down off the bed and leave Berkley (that's the dog) alone." Garrett climbed under the covers and laid on a pillow and said, "I sleeping." Ahh-choo, ahh-choo. (That's a fake snoring noise for those of you who wondered.) Grandma wasn't fooled.
Goofy, funny, wonderful, make-me-crazy little boy. I don't think I've laughed harder than I have in the last two years since he joined our family.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
30 Posts - Post 20 a hobby of mine
You may be saying to yourself, that's not a weird hobby. It doesn't require AA. But you must understand that I was an antisewist. There was no way I was EVER going to be a sewist (I have to write sewist because sewer looks like sewer you know where the poo goes). In fact, my lovely sister-in-law tried to convert me but I quite stubbornly resisted. I'm not really sure why I was so anti but there you go.
And then I got pregnant with Garrett. Now I don't know if pregnancy hormones permanently reconfigure your brain but I got a severe nesting urge near the end of my pregnancy and really its only gotten worse from there. I sewed a bean bag chair, valances for two rooms, skirts for my girls and now...well I make all my girls leggings because Madilyn is a bean pole with long legs and nothing fits her and if I'm making them for her I might as well make them for Emma.
The funny thing is when I told my mom about my sewing there was silence on the phone. She was ready to call the police to start looking for the pod person who'd replaced her daughter. Jeremy wants to know what happened to his other wife, you know, the one that refused to sew. And the in-laws try not to giggle when I bore them with tales of my sewing antics because really thats not exciting conversation but I can't help myself.
Anyway, its my newest hobby. I can't wait for my next project. If I ever find my camera I'll post some pictures of my latest sewing projects:)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
30 Posts - Post 19 my dream job (if money was no object)
My voice naturally leans towards the coloratura soprano stuff and it would be awesome to be paid, even if it wasn't much, to sing.
And I would want to sound like Beverly Sills, a fabulous coloratura soprano. (I'm totally happy with how I sound but you know just sayin'.)
Really you should listen to her here.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
30 Posts - Post 18 my dream house
30 Posts - Post 17 my worst habit
Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
30 Posts - Post 15 celebrity crush
30 Posts - Post 14 some place I want to go
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
30 Posts - Post 13 a talent of mine
I've always loved to sing. Always. I used to sing into the gear shift of my dad's pickup when I was a little kid. I could carry a tune but it wasn't anything special. I did musicals but I was always the character actor because really I couldn't sing well enough for anything else.
I took a voice class in college that changed my life. I've taken private lessons since then and discovered I actually had the voice I always wanted it was just hidden away where I had to work for it.
Monday, May 23, 2011
30 Posts - Post 12 something I bought recently

Friday, April 22, 2011
30 Posts - Post 9 pet peeves
People that try to prove their knowledge or expertise to others. If you really are an expert everybody is going to be able to tell without you pointing it out.
It irritates me.
And, tonight especially, I hate losing. A lot. (My basketball team lost tonight so now we're out of the regional tournament.) Is that a peeve? Probably not.