Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm No Fashionista

I'm no fashionista. In fact, I'm not even sure I'm using the word correctly but I went to do some birthday shopping for myself tonight. I had some time to people watch while I nursed Garrett and you know what? What is going on with fashion?

Who am I to criticize you say? True I was wearing my $8 jeans with my Stargate SG-1 10th Anniversary t-shirt (see post Geektastic) with no make up and pigtails, so its not like I'm the height of fashion or even the mid-point for that matter. But come on.

First, skinny jeans. SKINNY jeans. Meaning someone skinny should be wearing them (or someone needing skinny pants to fit in their awesome boots, i.e. Heather).

Second, Uggs. Oh my goodness can we get over these now. Nanook misses his boots.

Third, Leggings. I don't have a problem with leggings. I think they're cute with the right outfit. You know those cute "dresses" that look like long t-shirts, yeah leggings can be cute. However, when worn with Uggs AND a t-shirt that does not cover the behind, not attractive.

May we all wear the height of fashion that does not make us look like a muffin or beached sea mammal.


  1. 1) First, I must say that every time I open my feed reader, I get all excited when I see a post from you. I know I'm sure to be entertained.

    2) Amen, amen and amen. As a chubby girl with short fat legs, all of those things are like medieval torture devices. But at least I'm aware enough not to attempt them.

    3) I'd also like to issue a complaint about shirt fashions these days. What's with all the ruffle-y collars? It makes people look like they've got beards or manes.

  2. Ditto your blog either makes me think or crack up. Two good things.

    Agree for ruffly shirts. Not right. Not flattering. I think if falls under the rule that sometimes a little is better. Sometimes more is just more.

  3. Umm, I wear Uggs because I have freakishly long legs, and I'm pregnant so I can wear whatever I want. So there. :-) Oh and also, if I wore heals, I would be an Amazon.

    But Amen on the skinny jeans (Hello, 1980's are calling and they are ticked), and I'm 100% anti-muffin.

    And finally, BTW the image of you sporting a Stargate anniversary shirt was both 1) strangely comforting and 2) horrifying.

    Did I mention that I miss you?

  4. i am laughing so hard right now!!!! i hate skinny jeans too...even though i own some!

  5. There aren't very many advantages to being a senior citizen, but one is that you don't worry about fashion anymore. Hooray for old blue jeans and matching T-shirts! Love, mom

  6. Jess - I agree pregnant women can wear whatever they want. With awesome long legs like yours, you live a fashion world 5 foot 4 inchers like me can never partake in. And I miss you too. I still remember where your laundry detergent is.

    Heather - You look great in your skinny jeans and boots.

    Mom - All you need is an XL and S and you guys are in style.
